Now with online illustrations
Available in kindle, PDF, and iPad/iPhone formats!
There have been many books about the Kama Sutra but most of them are fakes. Fakes, that is, in the sense that they mistake the positions, mistake the techniques, mistake the philosophy, mistake the author, mistake the translator, and confuse the Kama Sutra with Tantra.
If you just want to have a good time in bed many of these books will do fairly well. But if you really want to know what the Kama Sutra is about, if you really want to perform the authentic positions, and if you really want to make love in the style of a wealthy pleasure-seeking grihastha of 3rd/4th century India, then you need Secrets Of The Kama Sutra.
Based largely on the first English translation published by Sir Richard Burton and Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot, Secrets Of The Kama Sutra draws back the veil on the love chamber, the bodily ornamentation, the aphrodisiacs, the foreplay, the sex toys, the sado-masochism and, of course, those famous positions.
Much of the material was first published by Hodder Headline as Teach Yourself Tantric Sex, which is your guarantee of quality. The author has now revised the text and added a new chapter Enjoying The Kama Sutra Together, which explains how the more exotic ideas and techniques can be incorporated into your lovemaking at the pace that’s right for both of you. Most important of all, many of the positions are now illustrated in an online gallery, using actual photographs. More photographs are being added to the gallery all the time, as and when submitted by Kama Sutra amateurs. When you buy the ebook Secrets Of The Kama Sutra you will be provided with a code giving access to this gallery. Don’t forget that unlike a printed book which has a fixed number of illustrations, the gallery is being expanded constantly.
(If you would like to contribute to the gallery click here and follow the instructions. It can be great fun photographing yourselves in the positions and you don’t have to be naked unless you want to be.)
Above all, Secrets Of The Kama Sutra provides you with accurate and genuine information about the ancient methods, combined with well-researched background information.
Other books by the same author include Get Intimate With Tantric Sex and Have Great Sex.
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