Fancy yourself as a writer of true life erotic stories? Then here’s your chance. I’m inviting readers of any of my sex books to describe how it helped them. I’ve written six so far – Kama Sutra, Secrets Of The Kama Sutra, Great Sex, Get Intimate With Tantric Sex, Have Mind-Blowing Sex, Amazing Sex The Tantric Way. So you should have plenty of ideas to choose from. I’m not looking for a ‘thank you’. I’m not looking for an endorsement. I’m looking for a genuine piece of erotica.
- · You can write up to 2,000 words, or as little as 100 words.
- · It must be a true life account, not something you’ve made up.
- · It must be based on a technique or techniques that you’ve read in one of my books.
- · When you’re done, email it to me ([email protected]).
- · I’ll post all the suitable stories on the website (say if you want it published in your real name or under a pen name).
- · The writer of the most erotic story each month will win a signed copy of whichever of my books they choose.
- · Erotic means (according to my dictionary) ‘arousing sexual desire or giving sexual pleasure’.
- · To make it fair to both sexes the judging will be done by myself and my partner (also a writer).
I’ve already posted some real life accounts. Click on Readers’ Stories to see them.