What Makes You Happy?

As a result of some valuable new techniques I learned recently I’ve begun work on a follow-up to How To Be Happier. But I’d also appreciate some input from you. Do you deliberately use particular techniques to make yourself happier and, if so, what are they? Do you favour the idea that true happiness comes from inside? Or from outside? Or do you just let whatever happens happen? I’d love to hear from you. In fact, I’m sure we’d all like to hear from you if you’ve got some techniques that have worked for you. Please click on the word ‘comment’ below and share your thoughts in the box.

One Reply to “What Makes You Happy?”

  1. what makes me happy?
    when I am in a good mood, a lot of little things can make me happy, will give me some energie. And then, its my turn to make other peoples happy…. and it will give me some energie!!!
    When I a’m feeling down, I boost myself with a good walk, or some dancing, something fysic, so that afterwards I’m realy tiered, have a good sleep, and when I wake up, I feel fine.

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